Monday, May 16, 2011



1. Check on the following when you approach a seriously injured person:

  • AIRWAY – check if the victim’s airway is not blocked by the tongue, secretions or foreign body
  • BREATHING – check if the victim is breathing. If not, administer artificial respiration
  • CIRCULATION – check if the victim has a pulse, if none, administer cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

2. Act fast! Every second counts.
3. Don’t move a person with serious injuries of the neck or back, unless extremely necessary.
4. Have someone call an ambulance and a doctor while you apply first aid. 
5. Don’t pull clothing away from burns.
6. Stay calm and reassure the victim that everything is going to be okay. 
7. Don’t force fluids on an unconscious or semi-unconscious person. 
8. Don’t try to arouse an unconscious person by slapping or shaking.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Why keeping healthy is important

An individual’s health is determined partly by inheritance and partly by external factors. Health and longevity tend to run in families, so a person whose grandparents lived beyond the age of 80 is likely to do the same. However, this is not always the case. Even the inherently healthiest body can be harmed by neglect or by external factors, especially by the unwise use of drugs, including tobacco and alcohol. Good health entails lifelong maintenance of the body. A health-promoting lifestyle in youth not only lessens the chances of premature death from heart disease or cancer but also slows down the natural process of aging. Researchers have been able to identify certain factors that accelerate the decline of the vital organs – of which the most important are alcohol and tobacco. It has also been possible to identify a variety of factors that slow down the aging process – of which the most important are the taking of regular dynamic exercise and maintenance of body weight within recommended limits.

Six ways of keeping healthy

By paying attention to each of the following six facets of personal health care, you can make an important start towards improving or maintaining your individual levels of general health and physical condition.

·         1. Eat sensibly. Eating a balanced diet is a key attribute of any personal health-care plan.

Although there are many different views on healthy eating, specialists generally have the same opinion that diets should be varied and should contain sufficient but not too much amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. You can combine pleasure with health promotion by eating a healthy mix of foods that appeal to your palate.

·         2. Limit alcohol. Keeping alcohol use within secure limits is vital for health.

Extreme alcohol consumption is a major health hazard. Alcohol not only contributes to problems at home and at work, to accidents, and to violent crime. It can also cause permanent damage to the heart, liver, brain, and nervous system. Limiting alcohol consumption is necessary for long-term health.

·         3. Don’t smoke. The bond between tobacco-smoking and killer diseases has been proved.

Giving up smoking is the only most important measure that any tobacco-smoker can take to improve his or her health. The life expectancy of nonsmokers is drastically higher than that of smokers. Smoking is the chief cause of lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic bronchitis.

·          4. Keep fit. Regular exercise can improve or maintain physical and mental fitness.

Habitual exercise benefits every part of your body, enhancing both physical and mental well-being. Different types of exercise differ in the extent to which they improve the three main aspects of health and fitness: heart and lung efficiency, joint suppleness, and muscle power. The finest exercises for improving general fitness are aerobic exercises, such as jogging, swimming, and cycling. Most people should be able to select a sport or activity that they find fascinating and inspiring as well as beneficial to their health.

·         5. Weight-watch. People who are very overweight or underweight tend to die early.

People who are significantly overweight or underweight have a propensity to die younger than people who are of normal weight. Maintaining a healthy weight involves paying attention to what you eat and drink, and making sure that you take enough exercise.

·         6. Visit the doctor. Seek medical guidance as soon as you suspect a health problem.

People used to believe that medical aid was necessary only when they become ill. It is now widely recognized that precautionary medicine has an important role to play in maintaining the health of the population at large. Immunization can prevent a range of previously common infectious diseases, and screening tests make it possible to distinguish certain types of medical problem at an early stage when they can be treated more easily.

A positive approach to keeping healthy is important

In conclusion, a positive approach to keeping healthy is fundamental to any personal healthcare program. The fact that you can control many of the different factors that affect your health means that you can apply a major influence on your own well-being. There is no need for a personal health care program to be unpleasant – it is perfectly possible to combine health promotion with satisfaction.